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Find contacts by zip code
  1. Find the zipcode, city, county, or state that you want to search contacts from

    You can do this in several ways:

    a) Enter zipcode to search in the field underFind Zip Code button, then click the button

    b) Enter city to search in the field underFind City button, then click the button

    c) Enter county to search in the field under the Find County button, then click the button

    d) Click the field under the Find State button and select the state to search, then click the button

    e) Enter in any of the fields in state, county, and state then click Find Zip Codes Matching Find City + County + State button

    f) Click the Find button and enter the zipcode, city, state, or county to search

  2. Then choose whether to search from all records or from selected records already on the list.

  3. From the search result, click the Find Contacts in Zip Code List button

    Find Contacts in Zip Code List will search for all contacts from the main screen based on ALL zip codes that is in the list of results from the Business Lead Finder system.