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Help > Workflow Manager >
Add a workflow
  1. Click the Add button

    or the button Add a New Workflow then select New

  2. Enter the name of the workflow in the pop up field and click OK

  3. Creating a new workflow will add one step by default.

    To add another step, just click the Add A Step button and select Step.

  4. Select the type of the action step

    The action type is more explain in the next page.

  5. Then enter the content of the step in the content field. Note that this field will be different for every action type you select.

    For example, if you select an AutoResponder action type, when you click the content field, it will let you select from the autoresponders you have in  your Auto-Responders System.

  6. Set the number of days this step will be triggered after the previous step.

    This field will count from the previous date, so for example, if you have 3 consecutive lines with 0 they will execute the same day as the previous one. If there is no previous one then they will execute from today.

  7. You can click the Trigger On field to show the dates based on the Days To Trigger field. If you change the number of days, click the Trigger On field again to refresh the dates.

  8. Enter the date the step must be triggered

  9. Assign the agent for this step. If you leave this agent field empty, the agent that created the step will be assigned.

  10. You can also set additional conditions at the bottom of the workflow screen